When You Can't Trace His Hand

When I started this blog almost two years ago, I wanted tell my story in hopes of touching someone’s life. I wanted people to relate. And most importantly, I wanted to share Christ. This will probably be the hardest to post, but if what I write or what happens to me has the ability to influence someone who might be going through the same situation—I’ll take that opportunity.

This past week my heart was broken. I was let down. I was crushed. I was stabbed in the back. I was at a point in my life where nothing made sense. How could someone be so heartless? What did I do wrong?
In one hour, everything I had planned for my life was shot to pieces. Everything I thought God wanted for me was gone. Point blank—I was devastated.

At this point, there were two roads I could have taken. I could choose to be mad at God—after all how could a God that claims to be love allow this happen? How could He watch me hurt? Or I could take the rocky road. I could trust. Trust that this was part of His plan for my life. Trust that this was part of my story. Trust that God would use this for His glory.

So I chose trust.

When you sign up to follow God, no one says it will be all roses and sunsets. We live on a broken planet. Every day, an orphan is left on the streets, a husband leaves his wife, a dream is crushed, a heart is broken. In spite of this, we serve a PERFECT Savior. And despite our circumstances, He is ALWAYS with us.

Not only is He with us, but He has an amazing plan to use our lives for HIS glory.
Look at the life of Jesus. He was forgotten, betrayed, and sentenced to die on the cross. In spite of all of this, He chose to trust that God was going to use His life to save a fallen world. He chose to suffer for our salvation.

Even when you can’t see what God is doing, He is doing something. We can’t change our circumstances, but we can make the decision to put our lives in God’s hands and let him take on the responsibility to use it for His glory.

Don’t let the enemy say that God has forgotten about you. When a relationship fails, when people forget you, when your dreams are dashed---God is ALWAYS with you and has your best interests at heart. More people have their eyes on you when things don’t go your way than when they do. Show them how big your God is. Forgive the people that hurt you. God is in charge of your life, NOT them. When you are suffering, it is always for somebody else’s saving. It is not about you, it’s about JESUS.

Realize that God is writing your story. Realize that while you may not run the exact race you had planned for your life, you’re still running the race God has for you. Realize that your struggle is for somebody else’s salvation.

Today, I am still hurting. But I choose to trust that this is all part of God’s plan for my life. I pray that God will use the messed up circumstances of my life for His Glory. I pray that I continue to run the race He has set before me. And most importantly, I pray that He will use my life for the salvation of a whole lot of people.

"So I said to the Lord, ‘You promised me Lord, that if I followed you, you would walk with me always. But I have noticed that during the most trying periods of my life there have only been one set of footprints in the sand. Why, when I needed you most, you have not been there for me?’ The Lord replied, ‘The times when you have seen only one set of footprints in the sand, is when I carried you.’" -Footprints in the Sand


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