I Do.

I Do

One minute I was on a walk around downtown St. Charles, the next, Jason, was on one knee asking me to spend forever with him. In one single moment, every prayer was answered. Every dream come true…

It was the night of Jason’s 30th birthday. We had plans for a special date that night at one of our favorite restaurants. After training my last clients of the day, Jason asked if I wanted to go on a walk downtown. He had given me an Apple watch the night before and I was so excited to test it out. As we walked down to the Katy Trail, he opened up my GPS and started tracking our walk. He told me that the running app he installed to his watch was going to take us on a trail and would be telling us which way to go.

Every few yards, the Apple watch on Jason’s wrist would buzz to turn left or right. Now I know Apple watches don’t have this feature (ha). We would walk ten feet and then Jason would pull a U-turn. I thought to myself, “This is the most inconsistent walk ever – what kind of a runner would create this trail” but kept following his directions.

The trail ended at a park pavilion. As we’re standing at the top, looking out onto the Missouri River, he tells me to open up the GPS app on my phone and look at our highlighted route. He leaned in and said, “Rachael what does it spell out.” Of course I couldn’t read it so he had to guide me through each letter. M-A-R-R-Y M-E. By the time I sounded it out, he was on one knee asking me to be his wife.

Still shaking and in shock, I whispered,“Yes.”

Later that night we had reservations for dinner at 7pm. Walking in to the dining room, I was surprised to see his entire family and mine both waiting at the table. Jason invited them to dinner and waited until we arrived to share the news. Once everyone said their congrats we all sat down to eat. As the waiter reached to fill up our glasses, the last surprise of the night came. My brother, who is interning in New York City this summer, appeared from the next room. Jason not only planned out this entire engagement, but also flew my brother in for the weekend just so he could be there for this special moment.

The day was perfect. And as I sit here writing this out, tears fill my eyes. I wanted to share my story with everyone not because of the elaborate proposal. Not because of the gorgeous ring. But because of the Man who was ultimately behind it. My heavenly Father. For years, I prayed for this day. For a man that understood the type of love that Jesus demonstrated. The love that forgives. The love that is patient. Kind. The love that never fails.  At times, I would fall into the trap of not believing that it even existed. At those times, God gave me my parent’s relationship. One to look up to. One to trust. One to prove that unconditional love was STILL out there and I had to be patient.

Jason. You are my answered prayer. The man of my dreams. I cannot wait to start on this journey together. I cannot wait to tell our kids this story one day. Thank you for loving me unconditionally. Thank you for choosing me. And thank you for promising to stay by my side from now until forever. I love you.

 “When storms arise and conditions worsen, love chooses to endure through even the toughest issues. Though threatened, it keeps pursuing. Though challenged, it keeps moving forward. Though mistreated and rejected, it refuses to give up. “LOVE NEVER FAILS.” 


  1. We are thrilled for you, Rachael!! Congratulations!!!!


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