Draft Day

This year, I was invited to join a Fantasy Football league. Why I agreed to participate is still beyond me. Do I like football? Yes. Do I know how the game works? Yes. Do I know Peyton Manning’s total passing yards in the 2013 season off the top of my head? No. Not even close. I know how much a pair of Jimmy Choos cost, not how many touchdowns Dez Bryant scored in preseason.

And let me tell you, the people that sign up for these fantasy leagues do. The night of the draft I sat by my computer picking my team. I made sure I got my Packers, Aaron Rodgers and Eddie Lacy, (unfortunately Jordy was taken too quick) and then basically just picked players whose names I recognized/looked good on paper. I called us “Lacy and the Tramps,” (Pun off Lady and the Tramp) and nothing was going to stop us with Rodgers at QB.

Well here’s the thing, fantasy teams take work. You actually have to watch the games to see how your players are doing. You have to stay updated with injuries. Suspensions. Trades. Bye weeks. It’s the real deal. And the first month or so, I did. I was into it. I dropped players, picked up new players, switched up my bench, and watched more NFL games than I probably ever have. But after that month, things went downhill for Lacy and the Tramps. My starting lineup was usually half bye-week or injured players. Stats were neglected. And I probably wouldn’t have been able to tell you if I won or lost that week. I had given up. The excitement slowly faded and my team suffered. We made it to playoffs, but the 6th place overall finish wasn’t too much to brag about in a league of ten.

Okay Rachael, we get you’re not meant for fantasy football… so what?
Here’s the point. It’s 2015. A brand new year. And every year we all have our list of New Year’s resolutions.
“I’ll go to church more”
“I’ll spend more time with my family”
“I’ll workout”
“I’ll read my Bible more”
And then a month in, the same thing that happened to my fantasy football league happens to us. We lose our excitement and we give up.

As Christians, goals are a necessity. If we don’t decide how we want to grow in Christ, we will end up letting other people decide for us. And ultimately end up right where we started the year. Goals are statements of faith. The bigger the goal, the more faith required to follow through.

“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.” Ephesians 3:20

But how do we keep these goals? How to we prevent a 6th place finish? Proverbs 16:9 says it best,

“We plan the way we want to live, but only GOD makes us able to live it.”

We can plan out a list of goals for the New Year, but without God, the transformation is impossible. Rick Warren states, "It's not based on willpower, it's based on God's power. It's not based on trying, it's based on trusting." 

Trust that God will hep you stay faithful to your goals in 2015. Trust that He will build your character in the process. And trust that the goals He has placed on your heart will cause you to trust Him more, depend on Him more, love Him more, and love others more. 

Meanwhile, I’ll resolve to avoid Fantasy Football leagues. 


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