Boy Meets Girl

Today I decided to give in to yet another thing that will probably take away from my studying time... whether it's just an excuse for me to not do my homework or to vent my thoughts, I think this blog will hopefully be something I can look back on in the future. 
For my first blog I want to talk about something that has been on my mind for awhile. Once you hit college, it seems like every day you get on Facebook and someone you know is getting engaged or having kids. After awhile you start to look at your own life and wonder when your turn is, or if it ever is. Not saying that I am ready for any serious relationship anytime soon, but the thought is still there.Does God have plans for me or I am destined to be a cat lady for the rest of my life? In college, it seems like you're either in a serious relationship or hooking up with a stranger every weekend. So where is the in between phase? How do you attract the man of your dreams?
Randomly I stumbled across one of Louie Giglio's sermons today and for some reason God was telling me to watch it. The series was called, "Boy Meets Girl." He started off by reminding us that we are all created in the image of God. This means we have intrinsic value! Not a value based on the number of followers on twitter, or Facebook friends. Not a value based on how pretty or athletic you are. It is a value much deeper than that. 

In relationships today, people lose sight of this and soon find themselves compromising their value.

We've all been there. Waiting for someone to text you back. Sitting by your phone praying he remembers you. Wondering if he likes you too. What we don't realize is that we are compromising our value doing this! We are letting them define who we are!
When you realize how valuable you are in God's eyes you begin to see that your value is separate from what others think because you are made in the eyes of God and God only. 
If a guy leaves you hanging on the other line. If he doesn't act interested, If he doesn't pursue you. Don't pursue him! He is not the one God has planned for you. Many times we feel like there won't be another one so we are unwilling to let go. This is the problem with society today... people find themselves settling and end up unhappy. Let God do the planning. Breathe. It's all in His hands.
In the meantime, spend your time getting closer to God. Get to know Him. Because in the end, every boy and every girl has to meet Jesus before they can ever meet each other. 


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