Amazing Grace

I have spent the past few days trying to figure out how to start this blog post. What can I possibly talk about? What you don't realize when you start blogging is that you are allowing others to see a different side of you--a side that maybe you aren't ready to reveal and it gets kinda scary. For my next post I wanted to focus on something that has been on my mind for awhile... the three letter word God calls "sin."
Personally, I don't even like bringing up the subject. Don't want to talk about it, let alone think about it in my own life. Like those Sundays you go to church and you're sitting in your pew and all of a sudden the preacher starts talking about things that you know you aren't supposed to be doing but you do anyway. Sitting there thinking, "While you're up there, why don't you just call me out!" 
Sadly, I have found myself more and more in that position. Sitting in church thinking to myself, "Do I even belong here anymore?" When people look at me, do they see Christ or do they see partying, alcohol, typical "college girl"? 
College has really tried its hardest to tear my faith apart. There have been times when I look at myself and think that there is no way God can ever forgive what I have done. Times when I almost feel like I can't talk to Him anymore because I am not "good enough." 

It's at these times God pulls me back in,reminding me that I am His child and that nothing I do can ever change that. 
This is the point I want to get across in this post--that God became all the sin that is in your past and paid the price for it. Once we put our faith in Him, He takes all the wrong in our lives and forgives us. All the messups, screwups, and slipups---God willingly chooses to look past. While the decisions we make will have consequences, God is saying He won't count it against you. This is the amazing grace of God!

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life."

Don't ever think that your life is not important to God--that you are not worthy of His forgiveness. He died on the cross for YOU. He is out there waiting for YOU. It's up to you to answer His call.
As for me, I stand amazed at the grace of our Savior. Knowing that no matter what I do, or how far I stray... He is always going to be there. 


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