
Showing posts from 2012

My Hero

As time goes on, I am starting to realize I fail as a blogger. I think the initial excitement of putting my voice out there was what got me through those first posts. Now, I just can’t find the discipline to sit down and write what I’m thinking. Summer has been such a blur. It feels like just yesterday I pulled into the driveway of my parent’s house—so excited to finally be home. Now, two months later, I’m starting to pack up my things again and prepare for my junior year of college (whoop). Anyone that knows me well knows that I am a homebody. I would rather hangout with my family than friends when I am home for breaks. This might be from being separated for months at a time, or just because that’s who I am… regardless, my family means everything to me. Last fall, my parents adopted a little boy from the Philippines—Lawrence Taghap Mintzlaff. At just five years old, this little boy has already undergone and overcame some of the biggest trials a little boy should never have to

My Dad

On June 8, 2011 my dad retired from the United States Air Force after 31 years of service to his country. I decided to post the speech I gave at his retirement ceremony so everyone knows how proud I am.  “Standing here at my dad’s retirement, it is crazy to think that my 20 years as a military child are coming to a close. While moving every 2-3 years and leaving friends has been no easy task, my dad has always been there reminding me that God never gives us more than we can handle. Today, I stand up here not to ask for you to put money into my bank account, or to borrow your credit card, today I’m here to thank you for showing me how to live a life that is not only respected and selfless, but that emulates God’s glory in everything you do. Because of your courage and strength in our family, I was able to experience places others can only imagine. I was able to see the world. But most importantly, I have grown into a young lady who is not afraid of change. Through you, I have lear

Here I Am, Use Me

After spending countless (well I can probably count them) hours studying and working to get through my classes, I have finally finished my sophomore year of college. I figured I would start off my first day of summer with a new blog post. For this post I want you to think of it as Part 2 of "Boy Meets Girl." On my first post I left you waiting for that special someone and trusting in God's timing...but what I didn't mention was what you are supposed to be doing in that time.  Psalm 37:4 states: "Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart." So God. If I sit here reading my devotional everyday in my favorite chair, just waiting like you told me, You will give me the man of my dreams? Wrong. God clearly states in this verse "delight yourself in the Lord." That doesn't mean simply waiting around.  Think about who you want to marry. I know we all have a list of qualifications. Cute, funny, smart, comes from

Amazing Grace

I have spent the past few days trying to figure out how to start this blog post. What can I possibly talk about? What you don't realize when you start blogging is that you are allowing others to see a different side of you--a side that maybe you aren't ready to reveal and it gets kinda scary. For my next post I wanted to focus on something that has been on my mind for awhile... the three letter word God calls "sin." Personally, I don't even like bringing up the subject. Don't want to talk about it, let alone think about it in my own life. Like those Sundays you go to church and you're sitting in your pew and all of a sudden the preacher starts talking about things that you know you aren't supposed to be doing but you do anyway. Sitting there thinking, "While you're up there, why don't you just call me out!"  Sadly, I have found myself more and more in that position. Sitting in church thinking to myself, "Do I even belong her
She that kneels before God can stand before anyone.

Boy Meets Girl

Today I decided to give in to yet another thing that will probably take away from my studying time... whether it's just an excuse for me to not do my homework or to vent my thoughts, I think this blog will hopefully be something I can look back on in the future.  For my first blog I want to talk about something that has been on my mind for awhile. Once you hit college, it seems like every day you get on Facebook and someone you know is getting engaged or having kids. After awhile you start to look at your own life and wonder when your turn is, or if it ever is. Not saying that I am ready for any serious relationship anytime soon, but the thought is still there.Does God have plans for me or I am destined to be a cat lady for the rest of my life? In college, it seems like you're either in a serious relationship or hooking up with a stranger every weekend. So where is the in between phase? How do you attract the man of your dreams? Randomly I stumbled across one of Louie G