Here I Am, Use Me

After spending countless (well I can probably count them) hours studying and working to get through my classes, I have finally finished my sophomore year of college. I figured I would start off my first day of summer with a new blog post. For this post I want you to think of it as Part 2 of "Boy Meets Girl." On my first post I left you waiting for that special someone and trusting in God's timing...but what I didn't mention was what you are supposed to be doing in that time.  Psalm 37:4 states:
"Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart."
So God. If I sit here reading my devotional everyday in my favorite chair, just waiting like you told me, You will give me the man of my dreams? Wrong. God clearly states in this verse "delight yourself in the Lord." That doesn't mean simply waiting around. 
Think about who you want to marry. I know we all have a list of qualifications. Cute, funny, smart, comes from a good family, walking with the Lord,  etc etc etc. Now look at your life. Are you the person you want to marry? How can we expect more from others than ourselves? 
This is the point. There is no such thing as "instantaneous maturity." You can't say, "God if you give me a boyfriend, THEN I'll be that person." NO. That's not how it works. God wants to make you into the person you want to marry, so that when you meet the person you're going to marry, you're ready for them. Your future spouse can't compensate for you. I know I am thanking God I haven't met that person yet, because more than likely they would turn me down in an instant!
When God says "delight yourself in ME" it means opening a Bible and working on the things you want to see walking down that aisle. God says in Phillipians 4:8:
"Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things."
Once you start working on yourself, you'll eventually see these qualities in your life. Waiting on God to bring the right person in your life is an ACTIVE process. It's letting God take control of your life. Go from just believeing in God, to being on fire for his glory. When God does bring that person into your life, you don't want them to notice you for your hair, clothes, or perfect body... but because you were ablaze for God. So instead of sitting around waiting for Mr. Right to walk through your door, open your heart to God and say HERE I AM, USE ME.


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