Just Keep Swimming

“Go Lawrence, go!” we yelled from our wooden raft docked in the lake. My little brother has been trying to learn how to swim and somehow always manages to sink to the bottom. Yesterday, he dove under the water and swam all the way from the safety of the shore to our raft in the middle of the lake. As I watched him struggle to stay afloat, arms flailing side to side, I thought about how scared he must have been at that moment. His little legs could no longer reach the safety of the sand under his toes. His lungs gasping for as much air as possible. Each stroke was moving him closer and closer to the safety of the raft.

As we were yelling for Lawrence to “just swim” to us. I thought back on how much courage that must have taken him. It seems like such an easy task to most of us, but learning how to swim is probably one of the scariest development challenges. Lawrence had to not only trust in his abilities, but he also had to trust that his family waiting for him on the raft would be there to grab him on the other end.

The same is true in our relationship with our heavenly Father. Times when He cries out from the raft, “Just swim to me Rachael.” Trust that I will guide your arms across the crests of each wave. Trust that I will give you the endurance to make it through the dark waters. Trust that I will be there to jump in and save you if you need Me.

Recently, I decided to start my own business. Throughout the process I have heard God say, “Just trust me.” At times, it is hard. Times when people tell you that you will never make it. Times when you feel like it is too big of a task for one person. Times when you feel like a failure. It is in these moments that I feel God’s hands reaching towards mine.
“Rachael, you’re almost there, keep going… I will catch you at the end.”

It isn’t always easy to trust that He won’t let you sink. It isn’t easy to see Him in the distance standing on top of the raft waiting for you. But He promises to get you across the deep, dark waters and on top of that safe haven.
 When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you.” Isaiah 43:2

We all go through times when we can’t feel the sand underneath our toes. We feel like we’re sinking in life. We lose our job. Our business is going under. Our family is falling apart. At these times, remember little Lawrence… who took that leap of faith and swam out to that raft. Remember the amount of courage and faith he had in his “Savior.” And remember that no matter what you are going through in life, YOU have a lifeguard, a rescue boat, a Savior of your own at the end of those rough waters. From the distance you can see Him mouth three simple words, “Just keep swimming.”


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