Dear Future Husband

“Dear Future Husband…”

Last night I found myself starting off a letter with those three words. I know what you’re thinking---who writes letters to their future husband? Rachael has officially lost it. And honestly, when I heard of girls writing similar letters---I thought the exact same thing. What could possibly possess a person to write letters to someone they have never met and might not ever meet?

That is, I never understood why until recently. This past year, my relationship with Jesus has grown in so many ways. I was the one He reached down from heaven to hold when I was broken. I was the one whose heart He healed with the love for the orphans of the Philippines. And I am the one whose hand is locked tightly with His as He guides me to my future.

When I look back and see all that He has done for me---I am overwhelmed. So overwhelmed that I can honestly say I am at a point where I have placed my whole future in His hands and FINALLY trust He knows what He is doing (which let me tell you has taken years). Along with this comes trusting him with my relationships. As a 23 year-old girl in a world that doesn’t understand this, I am constantly asked why I am single or why I don’t date more. The answer is simple: I know that He has someone saved especially for me and that when He feels I am ready for that commitment, He will present it.

Until then, I am working on Rachael. On becoming the Proverbs 31 girl the Bible talks about. And I think this is where the letters come in. As I have been working on me, I have noticed God in so many ways. Some are small, like when I mess up and I can feel God tugging at my heart to apologize. But others are big---like the day I received a phone call from Bob Tebow Missions saying I was accepted to join their team in the Philippines this summer. And it was at these moments that I wanted to be able to share how I felt with the person God has planned for me. These are milestones in my life that I want my future spouse to somehow be a part of. I want him to know how I felt when I got that phone call. I want Him to know how nervous I am to share my testimony in front of hundreds of Filipinos. And I want him to know how God changes my life through this experience.

Call me crazy. But the letters serve as a reminder that somewhere out there, God is preparing a man to push me closer to Christ. To be my other half and an example of the faithfulness of our Savior. And to be the one who gets to open my box of letters.
So until then, I’ll keep writing.

“Love, Your future wife.” 


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