I Will Follow

Dear family and friends,

Have you ever wondered what God’s plan is for your life? I have, and I recently found out where my next step is – the Philippines! God has led me to a new season in my life.  He has so drastically changed the plan I thought He had for me that it’s hard to comprehend! I know it is right and from Him, so I’m all for it.

I have always felt God calling me to go on a mission trip, but it wasn’t until recently that I responded to His call. One Sunday, I found myself sitting in church with my family---my little brother, who was adopted from the Philippines four years ago, trying to stay on his best behavior in church. When it came time to pray, I saw him fold his two little hands, bow his head, and shut his eyes real tight. Sitting there made me realize two things: 1. My little brother might have never known Jesus if God didn’t send him to our family and 2. Imagine all the other orphans that aren’t as lucky as my brother---who will tell them about Jesus? Who knew an eight-year old boy could have such an impact, because after that day, I knew God was calling me to the Philippines. To the exact city my brother was adopted from and the orphanage he grew up in. And it is my desire to share the love of Christ with those kids who have never heard the gospel before.

On July 18th, I will leave for a ten-day journey in the Philippines with the Bob Tebow Evangelistic Association.  While there, I will be sharing the gospel, primarily with students in the schools of the Philippines, and spending time with the precious orphans at Uncle Dick’s Home.  I would be blessed to have you be a part of my journey serving the Lord.  I ask that you would keep me in your prayers as I prepare for and embark on this trip.  If you feel led to give financially, any help you can provide is greatly appreciated.  Your gift will make an eternal investment in the lives of thousands of Filipinos.  The total cost of the trip is $4,000 with the full amount due by June 5th.  If you feel led to contribute, I have provided information below on how to do so. All gifts given to BTEA are tax deductible. 

            ONLINE: www.btea.org/shorttermsupport.asp
            Find my name on the list and enter an amount to pay by credit card. 

            MAIL: Make checks payable to BTEA, and include a separate note, designating
the gift for me.  Due to IRS regulations, please do not write my name on the memo line.  You can send your check to the following address:

            8834-F Goodby’s Executive Dr.
            Jacksonville, FL 32217

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my letter.  If you have any questions, please feel free to call or e-mail me.  May God bless you abundantly!


Rachael Mintzlaff  


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