
Showing posts from 2015

Meet Me Under the Mistletoe.

Christmas is officially here. The season where families are reunited. Friends are gathered together. And Santa’s Elves on Shelves are hard at work keeping kids in check.  But Christmas is also a season that digs up our secret hurts. The couple whose marriage was broken will spend their first Christmas apart. The parents who lost their newborn baby will carefully tuck away the “Baby’s first Christmas” ornament. And the child in an orphanage will only read of Christmas through books.  The truth is, Christmas can hurt.  And recently I have struggled with this.  Struggled with seeing all my friends post their Christmas dates or family Christmas pictures and wondering when my time is. Wondering why I don’t have that.  Yes I am only 23. Yes this past year I went half way across the world on a mission trip to the Philippines that changed my life. Yes I started my own company all by myself this past fall. And yes I am blessed with an amazing family whose parents have been mar

Call it Grace

It is a Sunday afternoon and I am currently sitting in Starbucks, drinking my iced coffee, and blogging from the comforts of an air-conditioned building. It is hard to believe that just two weeks ago, this would have seemed like the Ritz. As most of you know, on July 18 th , I packed my suitcase and flew 18 hours to the capital of the Philippines--Manila. Our team of Americans landed in the Philippines around 9pm on Sunday and we were greeted by Bob Tebow and his team of Filipino pastors. We were then shuttled in jeeps that looked like they came straight out of a WWII movie to our “hotel.” Once we arrived we were told to be up at 5:30am to start preaching to the schools in the city.             10pm . At this point, I was exhausted, alone, and had seven hours to learn how to “preach.” Before this trip I was scared to give a speech in front of a class of 30 peers let alone give the gospel presentation in front of 60 high schoolers who might not even want to hear what I had to say. T

Dear Future Husband

“Dear Future Husband…” Last night I found myself starting off a letter with those three words. I know what you’re thinking---who writes letters to their future husband? Rachael has officially lost it. And honestly, when I heard of girls writing similar letters---I thought the exact same thing. What could possibly possess a person to write letters to someone they have never met and might not ever meet? That is, I never understood why until recently. This past year, my relationship with Jesus has grown in so many ways. I was the one He reached down from heaven to hold when I was broken. I was the one whose heart He healed with the love for the orphans of the Philippines. And I am the one whose hand is locked tightly with His as He guides me to my future. When I look back and see all that He has done for me---I am overwhelmed. So overwhelmed that I can honestly say I am at a point where I have placed my whole future in His hands and FINALLY trust He knows what He is doing (

I Will Follow

Dear family and friends, Have you ever wondered what God’s plan is for your life? I have, and I recently found out where my next step is – the Philippines! God has led me to a new season in my life.  He has so drastically changed the plan I thought He had for me that it’s hard to comprehend! I know it is right and from Him, so I’m all for it. I have always felt God calling me to go on a mission trip, but it wasn’t until recently that I responded to His call. One Sunday, I found myself sitting in church with my family---my little brother, who was adopted from the Philippines four years ago, trying to stay on his best behavior in church. When it came time to pray, I saw him fold his two little hands, bow his head, and shut his eyes real tight. Sitting there made me realize two things: 1. My little brother might have never known Jesus if God didn’t send him to our family and 2. Imagine all the other orphans that aren’t as lucky as my brother---who will tell them about Jesus? Who

Draft Day

This year, I was invited to join a Fantasy Football league. Why I agreed to participate is still beyond me. Do I like football? Yes. Do I know how the game works? Yes. Do I know Peyton Manning’s total passing yards in the 2013 season off the top of my head? No. Not even close. I know how much a pair of Jimmy Choos cost, not how many touchdowns Dez Bryant scored in preseason. And let me tell you, the people that sign up for these fantasy leagues do. The night of the draft I sat by my computer picking my team. I made sure I got my Packers, Aaron Rodgers and Eddie Lacy, (unfortunately Jordy was taken too quick) and then basically just picked players whose names I recognized/looked good on paper.  I called us “Lacy and the Tramps,” (Pun off Lady and the Tramp) and nothing was going to stop us with Rodgers at QB. Well here’s the thing, fantasy teams take work. You actually have to watch the games to see how your players are doing. You have to stay updated with injuries. Suspensions