
Where to begin. These past couple of months. I have officially felt like a member of the working class. Most weeks I’m lucky if I get a weekend off. Hence my blog taking the backseat. But this morning I decided to dedicate all to myself and Jesus—who honestly has taken a backseat to. So here’s my thoughts I’m sharing with Him and you…


“US Budget Deficit Expected to Rise in October”
 “Ebola Outbreak in the United States”
“Chaos in Ferguson”

US War Against ISIS Steadily Escalates”

Almost every time I pick up a newspaper or glance at my news app flashing on my phone, it seems like there is one common factor in almost every story that makes the headlines—FEAR.

Society is constantly reminded of the threats from other nations---with the terror of a repeat September 11th always in the back of our minds. We hear of incurable diseases spreading like wildfire, a government stuck in deadlock, and racial tension still haunting our nation.

Living in the heart of St. Louis, and watching a city prepare for a seemingly “battle” in preparation for the Grand Jury decision in the Ferguson case has made this all too real. There is a fear sweeping across the city, and we wonder, how will any good come out this? How will we get through these turbulent times?

And yet, if we just open our Bibles to Psalms 46:1, we find our answer.

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble.”

He was there  when Daniel was thrown into the Lion’s den. He was there when America gained her independence. He was there when the Allied forces defeated Germany in 1945. And He is here now.

He never promised a life with no storms, but He did promise to hold our hand while the storms raged around us. And as believers in this, make it your goal today to share this with our generation. Instead of adding flame to the fear fire, give out courage through God’s story. Respond to the world’s panic through prayer.

“Fear never wrote a symphony or poem, negotiated a peace treaty, or cured a disease. Fear never pulled a family out of poverty or a country out of bigotry. Fear never saved a marriage or a business. Courage did that. Faith did that. People who refused to consult or cower to their timidities did that. But fear itself? Fear herds us into a prison and slams the doors. Wouldn’t it be great to walk out?” 
– Max Lucado

Pick up a paper. Listen to the news. Discuss the threats. But never fear—because despite the chaos, we serve an unstirred Christ. We know how this story ends. We know who comes out on top. 


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