Write Your Story On My Heart

        Today is the official end of summer, so it only seems fitting I close it out with a new post. As I sit here looking back at all that has happened these past few months, I am amazed by the faithfulness of our Savior. The triumphs, the heartbreaks, the broken roads—all led me to where I am today.

         If you keep up with my blog, you’ll know that back in March I went through a very hard time in my life. I was hurt. And I couldn’t see why God would allow me to go through such pain, let alone how anything positive could come out of it. But amidst the situation, I decided to trust Him. Trust that this was all part of His plan for my life. Trust that somehow this could be used for His glory.
And guess what. It was.

        For a while now, I have heard God calling me to go on a mission trip. I knew it was something He wanted me to do, but I ignored it---telling myself that God was obviously picking the wrong person for that role. I kept coming up with excuse after excuse---there are stronger Christians. I don’t have the time. Maybe God has the wrong person. Shouldn’t you be asking Tebow, God?! But the real answer? I was afraid to break out of my comfort zone. I was settling for complacency. After all, I had the boyfriend, I had just gotten a job offer, I was graduating college, and had my whole life planned out to a T---where would a mission trip even fit in? Point blank: my life was about ME.

        While I still don’t understand all the reasons I had to go through such a hard time in my life, I believe that this was one of them. I believe that God broke my heart for what breaks His. And that it took that for me to finally respond to what He was calling me to do.
Max Lucado wrote, “God will whisper. He will shout. He will touch and tug. He will take away our burdens; He’ll even take away our blessings. If there are a thousand steps between us and Him, He will take all but one. But He will leave the final one for us. The choice is ours. His goal is not to make you happy. His goal is to make you his. His goal is not to get you what you want; it is to get you what you need. And if that means a jolt or two to get you in your seat, then be jolted. Earthy discomfort is a glad swap for heavenly peace.”
         Through heartbreak, I was able to experience God’s grace like I never had before. And I believe that God showed me that grace for one purpose—to be an amplifier of the beauty of Jesus to everyone on this planet. So I began to pray that God would open my eyes to where He wanted me to serve and that He would give me the courage to follow through.

          One Sunday, I was sitting in church with my family---my little brother on my lap trying his best to stay on his best behavior in church. When it came time to pray, I saw him fold his two little hands, bow his head, and shut his eyes real tight. Sitting there made me realize two things: 1. My little brother might have gone his whole life without knowing Jesus if my parents hadn't adopted him and 2. Imagine all the other orphans that aren’t as lucky as my little brother. Who will tell them about Jesus?  Who knew an eight-year old boy could have such an impact, because after that day, I knew God was calling me to the Philippines. To the exact city my brother was adopted from.

           Applications for these mission trips open in December and the trip will be summer 2015. Pray that if it’s His will, God will open this door for me. That He will provide the funds. And that He will begin preparing my heart for the many orphans who have never heard how much Jesus loves them.  
“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” –Matthew 28: 19-20


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