All I've Ever Needed

Honestly, I have no idea where to begin this post. In the past month, I have graduated from THE Texas A&M University, said goodbye to some of my closest friends, moved my life back to St. Louis, and started working. Life has been a whirlwind.
It has been such a blessing to be home with my family. On the good days, they’re right next to me thanking God, and on the bad days, they remind me that He isn’t finished with me and to never stop trusting our Savior's plans… even in the waiting.
Which is where I want to focus today. Waiting.
This past year, I was in an airport atleast twice a month (ridiculous, I know). If you have ever flown before, you already know how frustrating the process can be. While we should be grateful that such a quick and easy form of transportation exists, we get to the terminal and immediately start complaining that security is too long, a flight too delayed, or an attendant too slow. We HATE waiting. I am probably the worst at waiting. I’m the girl that gets to her gate and has a third degree panic attack if the plane is 30 minutes late.
I hate waiting. And that is something God is currently working with me on. Because guess what? God is not in a hurry. Just look at when God rescued the Israelites from slavery. Instead of taking them along the Mediterranean Sea (which would have been a ten day journey) he led them through the desert where they wandered for 40 years before making it to the Promised Land. Why does God take us the long way? Because sometimes, it takes the long way for us to fall in love with Him.
It takes the long way to realize He is enough for us. It takes the long way to recognize His presence in our lives. And it takes the long way to realize He has something greater for our lives than the here and now.
What are you waiting for? A job offer (guilty). A dad to come home. A soul mate (guilty again). A change of heart. Cancer results. A dream.
Or if you’re like me, waiting on Tim Tebow to profess his undying love to you.
Where do we go in the waiting? Where do we go when it seems like God has forgotten about us? To Emmanuel. God WITH us.
God says follow me. The goal of our lives is to bring glory to God—not to get what we want, when we want it. In the waiting, realize that HE is all you need. Fall in love with Jesus.
Trust Jeremiah 29:11:
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Our greatest testimonies come from the moments of devastation, when it seemed like the world was collapsing under you, and at the end of the day you could say, “When everything else left, Jesus was enough. And Jesus came through.”
Waiting is power. Don’t waste it. Don’t spend waiting focusing on what is missing from your life. And don’t spend waiting comparing. Instead, ask God to help you focus on WHO is with you. To help you see that He is near. And to help you realize He is enough.

Even in an airport.


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