Faith In His Plan

It’s a Friday night in Aggieland. I can bet the majority of this town is headed to Northgate to kick off the weekend and here I am, in bed, randomly revisiting my blog almost a year after my last visit (fail blogger of the year award). I don’t know what it is about tonight, but I can’t think of anything I would rather do than share a new post.

This past year, God has taken over my life. I have spent so much more time with Him and he has shown Himself in more ways than I ever thought He could.  Recently, I have been struggling with figuring out His plan for my life career-wise.

Since the beginning of my freshman year of college, I knew I wanted a job in Exercise Science. I wasn't sure what field I would end up in, but I knew I had a passion for helping people realize their full potential and being the one to help them get there. Before I knew it, my junior year had arrived and the days were counting down ‘til I had to start looking for internships. Only problem was that I was torn between two completely opposite paths—working in a hospital doing rehab or becoming a strength and conditioning coach for a collegiate team. I loved both sides and couldn't decide. I talked to my parents. I talked to the graduate school. I talked to doctors. I talked to coaches. You name it, I was emailing and scheduling meetings. All I wanted was an answer. Black and white. Someone to just be like, “Rachael you should be this.” But we all know that’s never how it works. Nothing I tried on my own was helping, so I decided to put it in God’s hands. I handed all my anxiety and stress over to Him and prayed that he would show me what His plan was for my life.

For those of you who don’t know, I work at a country club as a cart girl. Every weekend you can find me on the golf course selling beer to retired Aggies and listening to their stories of the “good ole’ days.” It might be the easiest job on the planet but I absolutely love it. Saturday mornings, I wake up excited to go to work and see the usual golfers. I get excited to hear their stories and learn about their day. Sometimes I honestly feel like I can talk to older people better than I can people my own age. And that’s when it hit me. While working with athletes would be an amazing opportunity, maybe God blessed me with the empathy and patience needed to deal with older people instead. Maybe the reason I get along so well with them is because that is the population God wants me to work with. Once I realized this I immediately called my mom to tell her. She agreed completely and told me that Cardiac Rehabilitation would be a great place to start considering a majority of the patients are older and recovering from traumatic heart surgeries.

While the future is still a blank map and I haven’t completely decided on a career field, I am amazed at how God can show us where He wants us to go if we just put our faith in Him and let Him lead us. Isaiah 41:10 says,  
“So do not fear, for I am with you;
    do not be dismayed, for I am your God.

I will strengthen you and help you;

    I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
We all struggle with something… maybe relationships, family, school, self-image. Whatever your anxiety might be, just know that Jesus is greater than it all. When you have nothing to depend on, you can always depend on Him. Psalms 94:18-19 says:
 “When I said, ‘My foot is slipping,’ your love, O LORD, supported me. When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul.

I’m 21. In ten years I could be living in the basement of my parents’ house or be married to Tim Tebow (the latter being more likely obviously). The point is I don’t know where I will be! But in the mean time I have decided to put my faith in God and His purpose for my life. We are a walking Wikipedia of the faithfulness of God to this world. Let your belief in Him translate to every single day and decision you face and I promise His plans for your life will prevail.


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