
Showing posts from March, 2015

I Will Follow

Dear family and friends, Have you ever wondered what God’s plan is for your life? I have, and I recently found out where my next step is – the Philippines! God has led me to a new season in my life.  He has so drastically changed the plan I thought He had for me that it’s hard to comprehend! I know it is right and from Him, so I’m all for it. I have always felt God calling me to go on a mission trip, but it wasn’t until recently that I responded to His call. One Sunday, I found myself sitting in church with my family---my little brother, who was adopted from the Philippines four years ago, trying to stay on his best behavior in church. When it came time to pray, I saw him fold his two little hands, bow his head, and shut his eyes real tight. Sitting there made me realize two things: 1. My little brother might have never known Jesus if God didn’t send him to our family and 2. Imagine all the other orphans that aren’t as lucky as my brother---who will tell them about Jesus? Who