
Showing posts from November, 2014


Where to begin. These past couple of months. I have officially felt like a member of the working class. Most weeks I’m lucky if I get a weekend off. Hence my blog taking the backseat. But this morning I decided to dedicate all to myself and Jesus—who honestly has taken a backseat to. So here’s my thoughts I’m sharing with Him and you…   “US Budget Deficit Expected to Rise in October”  “Ebola Outbreak in the United States” “Chaos in Ferguson” “ US War Against ISIS Steadily Escalates” Almost every time I pick up a newspaper or glance at my news app flashing on my phone, it seems like there is one common factor in almost every story that makes the headlines— FEAR . Society is constantly reminded of the threats from other nations---with the terror of a repeat September 11 th always in the back of our minds. We hear of incurable diseases spreading like wildfire, a government stuck in deadlock, and racial tension still haunting our nation. Living in the heart of St. Lo