
Showing posts from September, 2014

Write Your Story On My Heart

         Today is the official end of summer, so it only seems fitting I close it out with a new post. As I sit here looking back at all that has happened these past few months, I am amazed by the faithfulness of our Savior. The triumphs, the heartbreaks, the broken roads—all led me to where I am today.          If you keep up with my blog, you’ll know that back in March I went through a very hard time in my life. I was hurt. And I couldn’t see why God would allow me to go through such pain, let alone how anything positive could come out of it. But amidst the situation, I decided to trust Him. Trust that this was all part of His plan for my life. Trust that somehow this could be used for His glory. And guess what. It was.         For a while now, I have heard God calling me to go on a mission trip. I knew it was something He wanted me to do, but I ignored it---telling myself that God was obviously picking the wrong person for that role. I kept coming up with excuse after exc