
Showing posts from January, 2014


Looks like we’ve made it to 2014! As a new year begins, I wanted to write about something that I believe we could all add to our New Year’s resolution list. The focus today – prayer. As most of you are aware by the below-freezing temperatures outside, the other day the Midwest was hit with a snow storm. My brother was scheduled to fly back to Connecticut the day the storm hit. Naturally, the night before he flew out, I prayed my best prayer for the storm to be so bad that my brother’s flight would get cancelled and he would get to stay another day. The next morning---flight cancelled. In all honesty, I felt pretty proud of myself after that prayer. God answered that one fast, I must be getting good at this! Then I started thinking about my prayer life. Lately I’ve been hearing my prayers go a lot like this, “B less me. Be with me. Watch over and protect me. Forgive me.” What’s wrong with prayers like that? They all end with ME .            The Bible says in Ephesians 1:3: