
Showing posts from August, 2013


Have you ever found yourself worrying about anything and everything you can think of? Your life could be going great, but yet you still find something to stress over. I hate to admit it, but I am guilty of this way too many times. For instance, the first day of class when all your teachers give you your syllabuses, I’m that girl that writes down every quiz and exam in her planner. If I notice three months from now I’m going to have four exams in one day, I’ll already start freaking out about how I’m going to be able to manage it all. THREE MONTHS in advance! Yes. I know. It’s ridiculous. Recently I’ve found myself back on the worry train. I have been so blessed to have been able to spend four months at home this summer with my family and create so many new relationships. Yet, the one thing on my mind is everything that could go wrong. Last night insomnia set in and I couldn’t sleep. I worried about how I was going to say goodbye to my family at the end of this month. Worried abo