
Showing posts from April, 2013

Faith In His Plan

It’s a Friday night in Aggieland. I can bet the majority of this town is headed to Northgate to kick off the weekend and here I am, in bed, randomly revisiting my blog almost a year after my last visit (fail blogger of the year award). I don’t know what it is about tonight, but I can’t think of anything I would rather do than share a new post. This past year, God has taken over my life. I have spent so much more time with Him and he has shown Himself in more ways than I ever thought He could.  Recently, I have been struggling with figuring out His plan for my life career-wise. Since the beginning of my freshman year of college, I knew I wanted a job in Exercise Science. I  wasn't  sure what field I would end up in, but I knew I had a passion for helping people realize their full potential and being the one to help them get there. Before I knew it, my junior year had arrived and the days were counting down ‘til I had to start looking for internships. Only problem was that I w