
Showing posts from August, 2015

Call it Grace

It is a Sunday afternoon and I am currently sitting in Starbucks, drinking my iced coffee, and blogging from the comforts of an air-conditioned building. It is hard to believe that just two weeks ago, this would have seemed like the Ritz. As most of you know, on July 18 th , I packed my suitcase and flew 18 hours to the capital of the Philippines--Manila. Our team of Americans landed in the Philippines around 9pm on Sunday and we were greeted by Bob Tebow and his team of Filipino pastors. We were then shuttled in jeeps that looked like they came straight out of a WWII movie to our “hotel.” Once we arrived we were told to be up at 5:30am to start preaching to the schools in the city.             10pm . At this point, I was exhausted, alone, and had seven hours to learn how to “preach.” Before this trip I was scared to give a speech in front of a class of 30 peers let alone give the gospel presentation in front of 60 high schoolers who might not even want to hear what I had to say. T