
Showing posts from November, 2013

Defining Love.

I am probably one of the most headstrong, stubborn people out there. I will openly admit this. Usually, it’s my way or the highway. Sometimes it’s a good thing, but more times than not it gets me in trouble.  Growing up, my brother and I were always bestfriends. At just two years apart, we did everything together. Played Barbies, shot hoops, rode bikes, played dressup—everything. Because we were so close, almost every activity ended in a competition. Who could finish their dinner fastest. Who got better grades. Who was better at sports. We were always eachother’s biggest competitor.   Needless to say, this did not lessen as we got older. Even though he is 6'2" and 10 times stronger than me, I still feel like I can beat him at anything---which usually ends bad for me.  For those of you that know me, you have probably made fun of me once or twice for how much time I spend in the gym. Six days a week I’m just your local gym rat. But what most of you don’t know is tha