
Showing posts from July, 2012

My Hero

As time goes on, I am starting to realize I fail as a blogger. I think the initial excitement of putting my voice out there was what got me through those first posts. Now, I just can’t find the discipline to sit down and write what I’m thinking. Summer has been such a blur. It feels like just yesterday I pulled into the driveway of my parent’s house—so excited to finally be home. Now, two months later, I’m starting to pack up my things again and prepare for my junior year of college (whoop). Anyone that knows me well knows that I am a homebody. I would rather hangout with my family than friends when I am home for breaks. This might be from being separated for months at a time, or just because that’s who I am… regardless, my family means everything to me. Last fall, my parents adopted a little boy from the Philippines—Lawrence Taghap Mintzlaff. At just five years old, this little boy has already undergone and overcame some of the biggest trials a little boy should never have to